Thursday, March 22, 2012

So..Whaddaya do?

The job..ahh yes, the has consumed much of my life since the moment I arrived here in NZ. I love the work: the hours are long and the tasks are varied and challenging. My tasks,as part of my learning contract with the college, are to help with the Technology Collection in any capacity I can, to garner more experience working with collections and to be part of a large collections move. One day I may be constructing shelving to house the artifacts, the next day I may be leading a tour group, or doing research, or numbering and photographing objects for inclusion on the electronic data base for the Museum..chief, cook and bottle washer!
M-548 Tracked Carrier

Sometimes I work on large armoured vehicles, such as this GM built M-548 tracked carrier, some times we travel to inspect those portions of the collection that are in remote locations ( we will see this later..) I suppose what I enjoy the most about this internship is that it allows me to gain experience working with items other people only dream of while living in a sub tropical country. I enjoy going to bed more tired than you can imagine, and waking up to start a new day where anything can and will be thrown at you, just to keep you on your toes...on top of this, Waiouru is a working military base, so I get to see and experience that side of life as well. If the day could have 30 hours, we would use them all.

WW 2  German FF33 Feldfernsprecher
The storage area that we are converting is a former sub calibre range for the Scorpion AFV. We have converted the four bays into a carpentry shop, a vehicle storage area ( mostly Land Rovers, motorcycles of all descriptions and light armoured vehicles) as well as a smaller technology storage area. Here, we will store the various communications equipment etc. that the NZ army has used over the years. The collection contains everything from Morse Code key devices to early computers and testing equipment

My Office Space..
Store Room 14: The Calm before the Storm
Yes, we put up this up too!

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